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Ajaegbu Ikenna (2018) Sustainable competitive advantage of German automobiles. Prosperitas, 5 (4). pp. 8-15. ISSN 2064-759X
Breczku Anna Mária (2022) Eco-conscious and green consumption of FMCG hair care products in Pest County, Hungary. Prosperitas, 9 (1-2). ISSN 2786-4359
Do Nguyen Minh Chau és Zonai Roland (2022) The evolution of sustainability model patterns among winning participants of the Horizon Europe EIC Accelerator funding program. In: No Question: Sustainability is Everyone’s Business V. BBS International Sustainability Student Conference Proceedings. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország, pp. 44-57. ISBN 978-615-6342-38-6
Ezdini Idrak (2023) Companies’ actions for more sustainable consumption. Prosperitas, 10 (1). pp. 2-19. ISSN 2786-4359
Ezzallat, Achraf Sustainability as a Competitive Advantage. In: SDGs in practice – how to operate sustainable? Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország, pp. 5-11. ISBN 978-615-6342-69-0
Garamvölgyi Réka (2021) Attitude survey in the ESG investment fund market. Prosperitas, 8 (1). pp. 153-171. ISSN 2786-4359
Gualaco Giovanni (2021) Shared Value in Sustainable Business Operations in Colombia and the Role of the Extracting Industries. In: Innovative Solutions for Sustainability - Day of Hungarian Science 2021 Conference Proceeding. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország, pp. 18-27. ISBN 978-615-6342-20-1
Győri Zsuzsanna és Kása Richárd és Szegedi Krisztina (2022) Hungarian entrepreneurs’ sustainability motivations based on GEM 2021 results. Prosperitas, 9(4) (4). ISSN 2786-4359
Hausmann Róbert és Szalai Ákos (2021) New Measurement System for Sustainability - MNB’s Sustainability Report and Index. Prosperitas, 8 (2). ISSN 2786-4359
Horváth Dániel (2021) Sustainable development of the transportation system and infrastructure in Budapest. Prosperitas, 8 (1). pp. 23-39. ISSN 2786-4359
Kalandarishvili Alexandra (2018) Misconceptions of hunting. Prosperitas, 5 (4). pp. 62-70. ISSN 2064-759X
Klinkerfuss Guilherme (2018) Immigration and the challenge of sustainable development. Prosperitas, 5 (4). pp. 36-44. ISSN 2064-759X
Kovács Ilona Zsuzsanna és Lippai-Makra Edit (2023) Intellectual capital disclosure and non-financial reporting – current issues related to policymaking. Prosperitas, 10 (3). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2786-4359
Kuci Arfa és Daragmeh Ahmad és Sági Judit (2024) The role and challenges of governments in promoting sustainable development. Prosperitas, 11 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2786-4359
Lachin Namaz (2022) Responsible tourism issues and solutions based on pre-pandemic data: comparison between Barcelona and Budapest. In: No Question: Sustainability is Everyone’s Business V. BBS International Sustainability Student Conference Proceedings. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország, pp. 70-79. ISBN 978-615-6342-38-6
Losoncz Miklós és Pongrácz Ferenc és Nick Gábor András (2017) Globalisation, development and sustainability – Report about the 18th world congress of the International Economic Association. FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC REVIEW, 16 (3). pp. 166-171. ISSN 2415-9271, 2415-928X
Lukács Rita és Papp-Váry Árpád (2024) Beyond green campuses. Prosperitas, 11 (3). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2786-4359 (Online)
Maslaric Marinko és Petrovic Vojin és Fedorko Gabriel és Nikolicic Svetlana és Mircetic Dejan (2020) Understanding the importance of purchasing operations and identification of opportunities to increase their sustainability through process mapping. Prosperitas, 7. (1). pp. 43-52. ISSN 2786-4359
Németh Katalin (2023) Breaking through the glass ceiling by implementing gender quotas. In: SDGs in practice – how to operate sustainable? Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország, pp. 76-85. ISBN 978-615-6342-69-0
Paulovics Ágnes (2021) Promoting responsible thinking and behaviour at Swiss Universities. In: Innovative Solutions for Sustainability - Day of Hungarian Science 2021 Conference Proceeding. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország, pp. 125-137. ISBN 978-615-6342-20-1
Paulovics Ágnes (2021) Promoting responsible thinking and behaviour at Swiss universities. Prosperitas, 8 (1). pp. 118-134. ISSN 2786-4359
Paulovics Ágnes (2021) Recombination of product properties for increased demand for sustainable packaging under Generation Z consumers. In: Innovative Solutions for Sustainability - Day of Hungarian Science 2021 Conference Proceeding. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország, pp. 110-124. ISBN 978-615-6342-20-1
Rabbi Mohammad Fazle (2022) An assessment of food loss and waste in the Hungarian agrifood supply chain: Encouraging sustainable and conscious consumption. Prosperitas, 9(3) (4). ISSN 2786-4359
Szabó Károly (2022) Financial instruments in the mirror of energy efficiency among Zala County SMEs. In: Shape the future together! - IV. BBS International Sustainability Student Conference Proceeding. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország, pp. 210-222. ISBN 978-615-6342-21-8 (Nyomdában)
Szalczgruber Fanni (2022) CSR communication in social media: The effectiveness of influencers’ and companies’ posts. Prosperitas, 9 (3) (5). ISSN 2786-4359
Szegedi Krisztina (2021) Innovative Solutions for Sustainability : Day of Hungarian Science 2021 Conference Proceeding. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország. ISBN 978-615-6342-20-1 (Nyomdában)
Szendrei-Pál Eszter (2023) Sustainable development goals for higher education institutions: What happened in the past years? Prosperitas, 10 (2). ISSN 2786-4359
Szendrei-Pál Eszter (2021) Sustainable Development Aims for HE What goals do they have to reach and where are they now? In: Innovative Solutions for Sustainability - Day of Hungarian Science 2021 Conference Proceeding. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország, pp. 150-162. ISBN 978-615-6342-20-1 (Nyomdában)
Szendrei-Pál Eszter (2021) Sustainable development aims for he what goals do they have to reach and where are they now? Prosperitas, 8 (1). pp. 135-152. ISSN 2786-4359
Szennay Áron (2018) Az önkormányzatok fenntarthatósági elemzése: Sustainability analysis of Hungarian municipalities. Multidiszciplináris kihívások, sokszínű válaszok (2). pp. 69-81. ISSN 2630-886X
Tátrai Márk János és Szabó Zsolt Roland (2022) Digital, social, and human development sustainability, and wellbeing. In: No Question: Sustainability is Everyone’s Business V. BBS International Sustainability Student Conference Proceedings. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország, pp. 113-122. ISBN 978-615-6342-38-6
Yeboah Elizabeth és Bolormaa Khongorzul (2022) Conscious consumption in clothing - How to increase the awareness of conscious consumption. In: Shape the future together! - IV. BBS International Sustainability Student Conference Proceeding. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország, pp. 118-134. ISBN 978-615-6342-21-8 (Nyomdában)