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Amankwah Ebenezer Rexford (2024) The impact of free SHS on quality education: a cross-sectional study in the SHS in the greater ACCRA region. In: Sustainability can't wait! VII. BBU International Sustainability Student Conference Proceeding. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, pp. 79-99. ISBN 978-615-6886-04-0
Gaybullaev, Olimjon és Yeanur, Arafat Hossain (2024) The link between sustainability performance and value creation. In: Sustainability can't wait! VII. BBU International Sustainability Student Conference Proceeding. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, pp. 132-156. ISBN 978-615-6886-04-0
Gregán Orsolya (2022) Correlation of innovativeness and impact on sustainability (SDG) at the universities of Europe. In: No Question: Sustainability is Everyone’s Business V. BBS International Sustainability Student Conference Proceedings. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország, pp. 144-165. ISBN 978-615-6342-38-6
Iltis Claire (2024) Refining Brilliance: A Multiple Case Study on Sustainable Innovation in Fine Jewellery. In: Sustainability can't wait! VII. BBU International Sustainability Student Conference Proceeding. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, pp. 182-207. ISBN 978-615-6886-04-0
Ivánka, Dóra (2024) Spar hungary’s social sustainability efforts. In: Sustainability can't wait! VII. BBU International Sustainability Student Conference Proceeding. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, pp. 209-219. ISBN 978-615-6886-04-0
Luu Ha Linh és Nguyen Thi Phi Yen és Phan Thanh Anh Quoc és Forgó Réka (2022) The impact of COVID-19 to the amount of single use plastic: a case study in faculty of International Management and Business Budapest Business School. In: No Question: Sustainability is Everyone’s Business V. BBS International Sustainability Student Conference Proceedings. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország, pp. 97-112. ISBN 978-615-6342-38-6
Mbarek Alhaddar és Kummitha Harshavardhan Reddy (2024) The Impact of Digitalization on Sustainable Branding in the Tourism destination. In: Branding in the academic and business world – Future challenges – BBU Day of Hungarian Science. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, pp. 5-15. ISBN 978-615-6342-86-7
Phuong Tran Thu és Karakasné Morvay Klára (2024) Food waste management in restaurants: A case study of H.N. Vietnamese restaurant in Budapest. In: Sustainability can't wait! VII. BBU International Sustainability Student Conference Proceeding. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, pp. 293-378. ISBN 978-615-6886-04-0
Simon Dániel és Reicher Regina (2024) Sustaining resilience: a dual agenda for both greener and resilient supply chains in the house care product sector. In: Sustainability can't wait! VII. BBU International Sustainability Student Conference Proceeding. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, pp. 431-456. ISBN 978-615-6886-04-0
Szegedi Krisztina és Ulziimaa Altnaa és Neszmélyi György Iván (2024) How do business enterprises in developing countries comprehend sustainability? Evidence from Mongolia. In: Sustainability can't wait! VII. BBU International Sustainability Student Conference Proceeding. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, pp. 66-78. ISBN 978-615-6886-04-0
Tran Anh Tuan és Sithole Mbali Ayanda és Amankwah Ebenezer Rexford (2023) The reconsideration of sustainable mobility in Budapest perspective from the students. In: Foresight in research - case studies on future issues and methods. Budapest Business School, Budapest, pp. 150-164. ISBN 9786156342560
Wu Yuxiaosi (2024) The Sustainable Human Resource Management (HRM): A Systematic Literature Review. In: Sustainability can't wait! VII. BBU International Sustainability Student Conference Proceeding. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, pp. 468-499. ISBN 978-615-6886-04-0
Ábel István és Tóth Orsolya Éva (2023) The financial literacy of SMEs. In: SDGs in practice – how to operate sustainable? Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország, pp. 62-75. ISBN 978-615-6342-69-0
Újvári Gréta és Veres Zoltán és Zsótér Brigitta (2024) Could food supplementation of athletes be sustainable? In: Sustainability can't wait! VII. BBU International Sustainability Student Conference Proceeding. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, pp. 457-467. ISBN 978-615-6886-04-0