Modernség és desztinációmenedzsment

Semsei Sándor (2017) Modernség és desztinációmenedzsment. Prosperitas, 4 (2). pp. 70-80. ISSN 2064-759X

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Destination management as a „procedure” has become one of the most successful tourism management models in the last 30-40 years, and not by accident. It became a very necessity, logical and inevitable answer to the changes in the post-modern times’ demand and supply. On the demand side, the more complex, multi-optional and delicate experience expectations, the more sophisticated and complex supply, forming bigger geographical regions. On the supply side the main aim is to create a regional brand based on a strongly featured tourism supply following the above principles against the numerous competitors. Visitors in the (near) future, as we foresee now, can only be targeted by a complex, strategic entrepreneurial, market-oriented and integrated socio-economic approach. It seems that only new forms of destination-management models can provide a solution in the tourism industry which help us to progress toward the postmodern world’s newest era.

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Semsei Sándor
Kulcsszavak: TDM (turisztikai desztinációk menedzsmentje), Turizmus, infokommunikáció, érzékelés, destination management, complexity of supply, brand, post-modern, interdisciplinary approach
Felhasználó: Kovács Zsolt
A mű MTMT azonosítója: 33690861
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2018. Dec. 11. 14:58
Utolsó módosítás: 2023. Már. 09. 14:50

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