A vállalati innovativitás finanszírozásának gyakorlati vonatkozásai

Antal Anita és Zsupanekné Palányi Ildikó (2015) A vállalati innovativitás finanszírozásának gyakorlati vonatkozásai. In: Alkalmazott tudományok II. fóruma. Budapesti Gazdasági Fóiskola, Budapest, pp. 12-37. ISBN 978-963-7159-99-2

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Businesses’ ability to renovate and innovate is the key to their competitiveness. Innovation can furthermore be interpreted on the macroeconomic level as the true engine of economic growth and the tool of vitalising the economy. When considered from the microeconomic level, from the level of enterprises, it can be stated that there are significant differences between businesses as to what extent they have the ability to innovate. This difference derives partly from the knowledge possessed by enterprises and from the availability of the resources required by implementation. Of this resource-controlled environment, the availability of the necessary financial sources can be highlighted as one of the key components of implementing innovation. The demand for funding is dependent on a number of factors; among other things, it depends on the stage of innovation in which funding is required. The two extremes are the initial phase of innovation, i.e. the inception of the idea, and the period of utilising research findings. The demand for capital also arises between these end points, during the implementation process. In our study we are focusing on the domestic significance of innovation and, of the resources required by implementation, on the role of financing. As part of our empirical study we analyse financing within the practice of enterprises, follow the decision-making mechanism through a specific example, and perform calculations. Starting out from our results and conclusions, we are intent on making proposals on the various aspects to be considered when working out innovation financing strategies. As far as innovation is concerned, it is important for us to be able to assess the value of the resulting product correctly since it will define the cost of marketing this knowledge, and, consequently, the income derived from market utilisation for us. The availability and utilisation of the right financing sources has a considerable influence on the output of innovation since, due to the cost effect of inadequately selected financial sources and underfinancing, the accumulated knowledge cannot be utilised at all or only below its market value, or the considerable delay in getting to the market is going to erode profits.

Tudományterület / tudományág

társadalomtudományok > közgazdaságtudományok


Gazdálkodási Kar Zalaegerszeg

Szervezeti egység

Közszolgálati Intézeti Tanszék


Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola

Mű típusa: Könyv része
Szerző publikációban használt neve:
Publikációban használt név ORCIDMTMT szerző azonosító
Antal Anita10034365
Zsupanekné Palányi Ildikó10025342
Kulcsszavak: innováció, finanszírozás, vállalkozás, versenyképesség, gazdasági verseny, empirikus kutatás, kockázatelemzés - kockázatkezelés
Felhasználó: Góczán Judit
A mű MTMT azonosítója: 3017499
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2017. Már. 27. 17:24
Utolsó módosítás: 2017. Már. 27. 17:24

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