The transformation of HEIS and quality education

Körtvési Dorina és Szendrei-Pál Eszter (2023) The transformation of HEIS and quality education. In: Foresight in research - case studies on future issues and methods. Budapest Business School, Budapest, pp. 15-36. ISBN 9786156342560

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Universities and higher education institutions are critical to societal improvement and have been severely harmed by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has hampered educational advancement owing to educational institution closures and the subsequent economic crisis. In the case of higher education, it is a question of stakeholders recognizing that it has a continuous and critical role to play in promoting socio-economic mobility, innovation, and economic recovery, as well as a significant role in providing financial assistance to the most vulnerable students, regardless of the sector, as well as strengthening distance learning, technology use, health care, and overall well-being. To delve deeper into the subject, the PESTEL model was used to analyze and assess the causes, hazards, and opportunities in HEI transformation, and a scenario was built to evaluate and strategically think about the data gained through horizon scanning. The findings show how higher education institutions may endure major transformations in the most effective way for stakeholders.

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Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem

Mű típusa: Könyv része
Szerző publikációban használt neve:
Publikációban használt név ORCIDMTMT szerző azonosító
Körtvési Dorina
Szendrei-Pál Eszter
Kulcsszavak: higher education, HEIs transformation, COVID-19, foresight
Felhasználó: Hargitai-Lőrincz Andrea
A mű MTMT azonosítója: 34020376
DOI azonosító:
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2023. Jún. 16. 09:58
Utolsó módosítás: 2023. Dec. 13. 11:19

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